Cheatsheet: “Statistical analysis”

Cytoarchitectural Analysis:

Generate ventricle normals:

scout cyto mesh segment_ventricles.tif voxel_size.csv mesh_ventricles.pkl -d 1 6 6 -g 2 -s 2 -v

Compute radial cell profiles:

scout cyto profiles mesh_ventricles.pkl centroids_um.npy nuclei_gating.npy cyto_profiles.npy -v -p

Setting up analysis folders for group comparison:

mkdir analysis/Arlotta_d34_vs_Lancaster_d35
cd Arlotta_d34_vs_Lancaster_d35
scout multiscale select ../../datasets/summary.csv analysis.csv Arlotta_d34 Lancaster_d35 -v
scout multiscale setup analysis.csv ../../datasets/ -v

Folder structure should look like:

|   20190419_14_35_07_AA_org1_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   20190419_15_50_16_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   20190509_16_55_31_AA-orgs5.8.19_org1_488LP15_561LP140_642LP50/
|   20190531_14_31_36_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP140_642LP60/
|   .,, possibly more datasets
|   summary.csv

| analysis.csv
| Group1/
|   20190419_14_35_07_AA_org1_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190419_14_35_07_AA_org1_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   20190419_15_50_16_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190419_15_50_16_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
| Group2/
|   20190509_16_55_31_AA-orgs5.8.19_org1_488LP15_561LP140_642LP50/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190509_16_55_31_AA-orgs5.8.19_org1_488LP15_561LP140_642LP50/
|   20190531_14_31_36_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP140_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190531_14_31_36_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP140_642LP60/

Clustering sampled profiles: Run this in each individual organoid folders:

cd analysis/analysis_folder_name/Group1/2019...(organoid_folder_name)/dataset(symlink)
scout cyto sample 5000 cyto_sample_index.npy -i cyto_profiles.npy -o cyto_profiles_sample.npy -v
cd ../..
scout cyto sample 5000 cyto_sample_index.npy -i cyto_profiles.npy -o cyto_profiles_sample.npy -v (repeat this for all organoid folders)

Next, combine all sampled profiles with this command:

scout cyto combine analysis.csv -o cyto_profiles_combined.npy -s cyto_profiles_combined_samples.npy -v
| analysis.csv
| cyto_profiles_combined.npy
| cyto_profiles_combined_sample.npy
| Group1/
|   20190419_14_35_07_AA_org1_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190419_14_35_07_AA_org1_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   20190419_15_50_16_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190419_15_50_16_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP120_642LP60/
| Group2/
|   20190509_16_55_31_AA-orgs5.8.19_org1_488LP15_561LP140_642LP50/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190509_16_55_31_AA-orgs5.8.19_org1_488LP15_561LP140_642LP50/
|   20190531_14_31_36_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP140_642LP60/
|   |   dataset -> ../../datasets/20190531_14_31_36_AA_org2_488LP13_561LP140_642LP60/

Perform cytoarchitecture clustering and visualization using Jupyter notebook “determine cyto clusters.ipynb”.

Next, inspect the images to figure out right names for clusters.

Cytoarchitecture clusters naming:

scout cyto name name1 name2 (...) -o cyto_names.csv -v

Next Step:

scp -r cyto_names.csv /Group1/each_organoid_folder

Classifying cytoarchitectures: Use “determine cyto clusters.ipynb” to get a umap model to use the command below:

cd analysis/analysis_folder_name/Group1/2019...(organoid_folder_name)
scout cyto classify ../../cyto_profiles_combined.npy ../../cyto_labels_combined.npy dataset/cyto_profiles.npy cyto_labels.npy -v --umap ../../model_Group1_and_Group.umap

Exporting OBJ and CSV (3D rendering with Blender 2.8):

Look into the Jupyter notebook “Export mesh and points as OBJ”. Import OBJ into Blender.

Blender script:

In Blender, the following script creates a new material for each unique cytoarchitecture and assigns each face in the ventricle mesh to the corresponding material.

import bpy
import csv

# Path to face labels
labels_csv = 'face_labels.csv'

def read_csv(path):
    with open(path, mode='r') as f:
        line = f.readline().split('\n')[0]
    return line.split(',')

# Load face labels
labels = read_csv(labels_csv)
classes = list(set(labels))
n_classes = len(classes)
print(f'Read {len(labels)} face labels belonging to {n_classes} classes')

# Make materials for each class
context = bpy.context
obj = context.object
mesh =

existing_material_names = [ for m in mesh.materials]
class_material_names = []
class_material_index = []
for i in range(n_classes):
    material_name = f'class {i} material'
    if material_name in existing_material_names:
label_to_index = dict(zip(range(n_classes), class_material_index))

# Assign faces to materials based on labels
for f, lbl in zip(mesh.polygons, labels):  # iterate over faces
    f.material_index = label_to_index[int(lbl)]
    print("face", f.index, "material_index", f.material_index)
    slot = obj.material_slots[f.material_index]
    mat = slot.material
    if mat is not None:
        print("No mat in slot", f.material_index)

Multiscale statistical analysis:

Input files needed for the command to work are: centroids_um.npy and cyto_labels.npy

“.” should specify that these files be inputted.

cd analysis/analysis_folder_name/Group1/
scout multiscale features organoid_folder_name(usually 2019...)/. -d 1 6 6 -v

If this worked you should see organoid_features.xlsx file in the organoid folder.

Combine each organoid_features.xlsx from each organoid folder into a cumulative combined_features.xlsx file using:

scout multiscale combine analysis.csv --output combined_features.xlsx -v

Statistical testing:

Use the notebook “T-tests and volcano plots.ipynb” for statistical tests on the combined features.