
Repo for software used in the Chung Lab's Shield paper

View the Project on GitHub chunglabmit/shield-2018


This is a collection of the software used in the Chung Lab’s 2018 Shield paper. It is packaged as a docker container (see so that it can be easily and accurately deployed in labs with a minimum of IT administration support. The dockerfiles can also be used as recipes to build the components.

The software handles the following tasks:


The preferred method of installation of shield-2018 is as a docker container. If you have Docker installed, this is available as

> docker pull chunglabmit/shield-2018

A typical invocation might be

docker run -v /path-to-stack:/stack \
           -v /path-to-output:/output \
           chunglabmit/shield-2018 \
           shield-2018-segmentation \
           --input /stack/img_*.tiff \
           --output /output/result.json

Commands from the Terastitcher and Nuggt packages can also be run from this docker. See the Nuggt documentation and the tutorial for more help.

The shield-2018-segment command

The shield-2018-segment command finds cell centers in a stack of images. The output is a .json file containing a list of lists with each element of the inner list being the Z, Y and X coordinate of one of the cell centers. The format of the command is:

shield-2018-segment \
    --input <input-stack-expression> \
    --output <output-filename> \
    [--block-size-x <block-size-x>] \
    [--block-size-y <block-size-y>] \
    [--block-size-z <block-size-z>] \
    [--crop-x <crop-x>] \
    [--crop-y <crop-y>] \
    [--crop-z <crop-z>] \
    [--padding <padding>] \
    [--io-threads <io-threads>] \
    [--processing-threads <processing-threads>] \
    [--t1min <t1min>] \
    [--t1max <t1max>] \
    [--t2min <t2min>] \
    [--t2max <t2max>] \
    [--dog-low <dog-low>] \
    [--dog-high <dog-high>] \
    [--log-level <log-level>] \
    [--log-file <log-file>] \
    [--log-format <log-format>]


Allen Brain Mouse Atlas

The alignment for the Shield paper was done using files derived from the Allen Brain Mouse Atlas (2018). These files are available via the GIT repository, See the file for more details.

The docker image stores these files at /allen-brain-mouse-atlas in its filesystem, so they are readily available for use in the Nuggt alignment commands.